Adding to the cricketing drama unfolding in South Africa, the piece of yellow tape has filed a sexual harassment claim against Cricket Australia and opening batsman Cameron Bancroft, after being forced into contact with Bancroft’s ball(s) during the recent Test match.
The yellow tape, addressing the media this morning, revealed that it has been ‘completely distraught,’ ever since the actions of Bancroft on Saturday morning. All the more distressing is that this harassment was not the actions of one rogue individual; Steve Smith and the ‘senior leadership group’ were all reportedly involved in the ploy to denigrate and humiliate the yellow tape.
In our interview with Bancroft, he has strenuously denied the allegations, saying the tape ‘…never came into contact with my genitalia, mate, not at all.’ However, after this statement, he gave us a ‘cheeky wink,’ indicative of his guilt. Sickening.
The accusations made by the yellow tape have encouraged other victims to speak out, including the ball, who was ‘repeatedly rubbed and scratched,’ by Bancroft, in a manner described as ‘aggressive.’
All the more disturbing is how premeditated these actions were; it begs belief that a casual lunchtime meeting between esteemed and respected Australian cricketers could give rise to this horrific abuse. Cries for a Royal Commission have been met with approval across both parties in Parliament, as the nation comes to terms with how this was permitted to occur.
Stand strong, yellow tape. The Obiter stands with you.