A blow has been struck to local 22-year old Kyle Harris’ claims of having a flourishing social life when it was discovered that he had pre-purchased Mekka Wednesday tickets two months in advance.
Kyle was sucked in by the flashy promotional video released by Oh Hello, which somehow paints Doomben, not even Brisbane’s premier racetrack, in the same light as Ibiza. He jumped at the opportunity, purchasing tickets in early June.
The Obiter bumped into Mr Harris as he was making his way around DFO in preparation for the event. We asked Kyle what was in the bags
‘Nah haven’t sorted bags yet, hopefully that sorts itself closer to the date.’
‘No Kyle, your shopping bags,’ we wittily retorted.
‘Oh right these? Just been into Oakley got some sweet new sunnies. Check out my suit, how do ya like the white tie?’
Through extensive research we can confirm a negative correlation between the fulfillment of one’s social life and how early one commits to Mekka Wednesday. A local spokesperson for Oh Hello, Jai Westongate-Frith, had the following to say.
‘Mate, we bloody love it. We can charge punters $150 a ticket to be crammed into a sweaty tent with other geebens, and they lap it up because we’ve convinced them it’s cool!’
Many attendees justify the exorbitant ticket prices by capitalising on their annual Instagram upload. Our analysis has indicated an increase in hashtag popularity over the years, particularly #didntseeahorse or couple shots featuring #pickedawinner.
We wish Kyle and all the other revelers the very best.