Fights broke out at the Bendigo Magistrate’s Court this morning, as the putrid Judge Dog wrongly imprisoned local innocent sick cunt, Georgey P.
I haven’t done Crim B yet, but in what surely amounted to a grave miscarriage of justice, Georgey, or ‘Diamond P’ to his friends Two-Tone Toney and Alan ‘AJ’ Jones, was sentenced to rot in a cell for six years. The wrists of Diamond P must have been suffocating in those handcuffs. Not unlike when he broke his wrist playing park footy!
Witnesses reported Georgey’s government-provided lawyer tried to console him before Georgey tried to leap over the gallery, to just have a fucking go at the coward, two-faced judge before being tackled by court security.
He was led away while professing his innocence, his boys in tow, screaming at the ‘dog cunt’ police officers to release him.
Our understanding at press time is Diamond P is currently looking to form allegiance with a gang on the inside, and has shortlisted the White Supremacist Brotherhood and the Mukka Mad Boys.
There’s no comment on whether those gangs have an opinion on this cowardly sentence of a local brother just tryin’ his best in this shitty society, but we’ll wait and see.
For now, let’s just know that this justice system is broken, and it’s just so dog to see this good bloke who din’ do nuthin’ hittin’ the slammer. Just honest to God bullshit, if you ask us.
More to come as the situation unfolds.