As the Law & Technology exam fast approaches, keen students have begun preparing their shrines to Musk, Gates, and Zuckerberg, whilst pumping nothing but The Social Network and Stranger Things soundtracks as they get ready to talk robots.
Whilst a fascinating subject, no-one at The Obiter studies Law & Technology, so we’re somewhat flying blind here.
But nevertheless, get those cybernetic hands ready to do some writing, students!
After the midsemester assignment required students to build a robot, teach it Isaac Asimov’s Three Laws, from the Will Smith film I, Robot, and then force it to break those laws in a murderous spree, punters believe the final examination will be a more traditional, problem-style question.
But there will still be scope for technological intrigue during the final - Apple Watches have been programmed to come alive during the exam, blare Lee Harding’s Wasabi, and commit massive tax fraud. What a fascinating intersection of the law, and technology!
With the exam in a few days, Netflix viewings of Terminator 2: Judgment Day have been steadily increasing, along with anxiety over passing the final exam and the impending destruction of humanity at the hands of angry cyber-creatures - some of which will be present in the Law & Tech exam as invigilators.
Whilst subjects like Corporate Law, Civil Procedure, and Criminal Law, are well and truly in our wheelhouse, we have genuinely no clue what happens in Law & Tech. We are also too proud to ask. But dare I say, this article is a pretty good guess.
And to the students still studying, be like Patrick Parkinson’s opening weeks as Dean of the Law School: keep your head down, work hard, and don’t draw any extra attention to yourself.