Annabelle ‘Cool’: Why Electing Annie Khoo To The Position Of Secretary Would Be Disastrous

We all know how important the position of Secretary of the UQ Law Society is. They are the bedrock of our prestigious institution and ensure the effective implementation of the society’s rules. UQLS Secretary is a serious role designed for boring people - like Beining Zhang - yet Annie clearly loves a drink.

Pictured is Annie studying several alcoholic drink. The only thing she should be studying is the Society’s constitution and how QPAY functions. Someone has to work that cursed app out and it is the Secretary.

Annie has been one of this year’s socials officers. Pretty self-explanatorily cool.

The Obiter has heard reports that Annie is involved in the “Law Revue.” The only laws she should be reviewing is the UQLS by-laws. 

Annabelle Khoo is too cool. The society would fall into disrepair if she were elected to the role.

The Obiter humbly calls for some nerd to run from the floor against her. 


A concerned UQLS citizen.