The final hours of 2019 represented a dark moment for the people of Brisbane and, above all, Katie (22).
It’s not just because she received a fine for public urination that night which she’ll have to awkwardly explain when she applies for her practising certificate, it’s because that night she went through the hardest break up of her life - her breakup with The Flying Cock.
For what are still inexplicable reasons, Brisbane’s best dance has shut down. The Valley has never been the same.
‘We just had something really special,’ Katie sobbed uncontrollably, ‘I can’t even look at chicken anymore without thinking about her’.
Katie knows Laruche is alright but it’s useless if she requires the use of her eardrums the next day. Ric’s is okay if she feels like giving herself a contact STD, but usually she doesn’t. Katie knows this is one loss she’ll never be able to let go of.
A dedicated attendee, Katie proved her devotion to her favourite venue by making it into the DJ booth every night. Maybe she had to tell the bouncer the DJ was her ‘brother’ to let her in. Sure, and maybe he had questions when she started pashing her ‘brother.’
She knows that ‘the Cock’, as it was affectionately known, will inevitably be turned into a Woolworths, and her beloved TBC will be a three car parking bay. At this rate, all she has left are her Birdman Randy covers of ‘dancing in the moonlight’ and ‘let’s dance to joy division.’
To date, Katie’s go fund me page to reopen the venue has reached a total of $72.
‘Til next time’, she whispered to herself, scattering the ashes of a vodka red bull on the corner of Brunswick and McLachlin street.