With the endless political drama unfurling in Canberra, fresh twists unveiling themselves every minute, it’s important to remember the people for whom this is a glorious day: the writers and content creators of satirical publications across Australia, and in particular, the Betoota Advocate.
‘We’re so relieved we don’t have to run another article that says ‘Local Man Is Hungover Again’ or some shit,’ said staff writer Greg Betoota.
‘We can finally sink our teeth into our true bread and butter: highlighting the sheer idiocy and foolishness of our politicians.’
It would not be incorrect to describe today as the best day ever in the life of The Betoota Advocate.
Indeed, some have expressed fears that the typing of their fingers will literally not be able to keep up with the whirring speed of the political satire coming out of their minds, with headlines such as ‘Report: Polliticccians Fckjn Suk Aye’ to be expected over the coming hours.
Meanwhile, at The Obiter, we haven’t come up with any overly fresh takes about the crisis itself, so it looks like we’re resigned to fresh takes on the fresh takes. Criticism of The Guardian’s coverage, anyone?