‘Phew,’ sighed Isabelle McCarron (19) as she watched her Insta story tick over 24 hours since posted, and disappear into cyberspace.
Now Isabelle is able to check her notifications in peace without fear that an acquaintance will take the opportunity to share their inner demons or daily torment. Not all were so lucky.
Brett Fuller (20), social champion with an ‘R U OK?’ post on at least two social media accounts has received more than he bargained for, after an acquaintance has responded with some pretty heavy shit. It appears that a loose friend from tutorials past has taken the post far too literally, and opened up about his inner demons and daily torment.
‘Ah gee whiz Mr Fizz, you’re not supposed to respond,’ muttered Brett.
‘This whole thing is just an excuse for me to show how woke I am.’
It appears that Mr Fuller is woefully unprepared to offer any substantive help to any of his close friends struggling with mental illness, let alone this borderline stranger that he vaguely knows from Trusts A.
‘What am I even supposed to respond to this shit?’ groaned Brett as he dug deep into expansive arsenal of ‘oh yeah?’, ‘ah shit’, ‘that’s no-good mate.’
Throughout the course of our investigation, more issues with R U OK? Day posting has emerged. One source who knows Isabelle from school reported that she once watched her make a girl cry in the bathroom for three hours after calling her a cow. Furthermore, a source close to Brett also claims that Mr Fuller ‘literally roundhouse kicked a Year 8 on the bus for a laugh,’ no less than three years ago.
The corporate world has also taken to R U OK day. McHewitt and Sons held a morning tea promoting a healthy balanced life for their employees, fully aware the long hours and fear of failure had caused many grads to develop anxiety and stress related illnesses. However, any accusations of virtue signaling are all promptly denied. Hang in there troubled stranger from Trusts A.