There isn’t much more to say on this, and even if there was, Samuel Hertz wouldn’t be around to listen to it.
He, like many others whose feet have graced the hallowed halls of this institution, and whose wee wees have graced the hollowed stalls of restitution, drinks far far far far far too much coffee (how much say? – we say too much) and as a result can barely make it through a 1-hour tutorial without bursting either out the door or his bladder.
His one achievement in his many and frequent runs to the loo, Hertz (23) (times a day, that is, and also, he is aged 23) by virtue of not wanting the embarrassment of constantly going back and forth to the same toilet has visited every single (male) restroom on campus, and yes sometimes the disabled one as well when he really needs to go. Who hasn’t been there, done that, and been ridden with guilt as a consequence?
As Hertz says himself, “Sorry, do we have to do the interview now? Really gotta dash. Be back!”