From fervent freshers foaming to face their first finals, to borderline mature-age law students confident that their sixth year is definitely ‘their year’, many a UQ student walked through the pearly gates of the Great Court this week, ready to tackle the semester with gusto.
On Monday, aforementioned students strutted onto campus, adorned in meticulously curated outfits, their meal-prepped lunches and home-made coffees neatly packed into their annual new uni totes, not yet stained with ink, juice or a miscellaneous brown liquid. Hell, they even arrived at their classes 10 minutes early! One day in a row! HUZZAH!
Morale was still high as Tuesday rolled around. Unfortunately, the home-made coffees were a short-lived trend. The yearning was palpable as students rushed past Merlo, not quite so early for classes. Exercising extreme mental fortitude, students stayed strong on their no-spending vows and continued the walk/run to class, making it with two whole minutes to spare! Huzzah!
Wednesday brought a mid-week chaos. The sound of “fuck the 50 cent fares, I’m late!” resonated through the carparks amidst a twisted game of dodgem cars. Students burst through seminar doors, trying to mask their heavy breathing and gargantuan sweat beads. Shakily taking a seat, the bright eyed and bushy tailed quickly realised the readings they’d so admirably done ahead of time were actually for Week 2. At least they’re prepared for next week? Huzzah?
Thursday. Despite running 15 minutes late to mandatory tutes, students queued in droves to buy $8 iced lattes to wash down their flasks of whisky, spilling a little on their uni totes. In good news, miscellaneous brown liquid stains were finally identified. With already three missing tutorial preparation tasks, unpunctual pupils waltzed into class, taking the last remaining free seat: the teacher’s desk. Students flexed their skills in word-vomiting and managed to compensate for their lack of pre-reading. Participation marks were narrowly achieved. Huh.
No students were reported on campus on Friday.