After a March that seemed to drag out for decades, the wizards who decide our perception of space and time have slung us an absolute curveball this month, by ensuring that April has moved by faster than a Brett Lee sandshoe crusher.
‘It’s the fucking 22nd already?’ muttered literally everyone this morning, checking the present date on their calendar of choice, whether that be on their laptop, phone, or an ironic ‘The Big Bang Theory’ day-at-a-time calendar, which is sure to get all their mates laughing with reckless abandon.
Theories have abounded as to this month’s relative pace, from the ‘there’s no such thing as a month going quicker’ from your boring accountant mate, to ‘Mercury is in transmissive retrograde,’ or something.
But at the heart of this issue is a simple truth.
We’re adjusting.
We’re growing stronger, faster, fitter, and better at adjusting to life without the footy. But we won’t have to wait for much longer, because the NRL is back on May 28.
And we can barely begin to imagine just how good it’s going to feel to have the boys back on the box.
No more to come.